Sista dagarna i Janteland...

"I have a dream.
I have a dream, that one day I will stand on my two bare feet and watch the Atlantic sea from another angle of the world.
I have a dream, where I see myself adjust to and enjoy another culture and its traditions.
I have a dream, that I shall practice the knowledge I’ve got so far in my life, and learn more about myself and the person I want to become.
I have a dream, that I, with ambition and passion, will see myself succeed with my purposes to get along and get to know a brand new family in a newcoming era of my life.
I have a dream, that I will return smiling to my homecountry, with inspiring memories and with new thrilling goals and destinations.
I, Sara, am an outgoing Swede, that is very curious about life in general, and about what it has to offer. I find new tasks and adventures very appealing, and want to see and get out as much of my life as I possibly can. I think my attitude to life has developed from a superb childhood. My parents have always been very supporting, and they find my dreams almost as exciting as I do.
I think the life as an au pair will fit me perfectly. Children overall have always been very inspiring to me. The honesty. The spontaneity. They are not afraid of having dreams and they often have a strong will to learn. There is a burning fire, that wants to experience life and try the limits to the edge. I have worked on different preschools since September last year, and have taken care of children since a couple of years back. The most rewarding thing with the job, is to see the children develop as they grow up. To know that they are just at the beginning of something beautiful. That they actually are growing up to be adults, with different qualities and opinions. To see them as individuals – that’s what makes the job interesting.
I’ve been blessed with a great environment during my growth. Big green areas, good possibilities to practice sports, live close to the sea... Therefore I and my brothers have spent many time outdoors playing. This is something that I’ve utilized when I’ve taken care of children in my hometown. Go to the park and play some soccer. Go to the beach and take a swim or an ice-cream. Those things gets very appreciated.
In my free-time, I use my town as a place where I can practice my creativity. The beautiful environment, especially in the summer; with its cobblestoned streets and medieval houses, becomes a great motif when I go out photografing. The asphalted hills are perfect, when I go out on a trip with my longboard. And only a few miles away, there is a extraordinary landscape, with plains and rapeseed and horses and cows. Me and my family enjoy spending time there, maybe for a bicycle trip or just a picnic.
I tell you. As I will help your children to grow during this year, I’m positive that they will help me to grow as well. This will be the greatest adventure for me so far, and I hope that you and your children want to be a part of my dream.

asså sara... jag är galet imponerad över hur välskrivet och välformulerat och helt enkelt fantastiskt ditt ansökningbrev är! satt med hakan i knäet från början till slut när jag läste det! vilken inledning och vilket avslut! wow! om barnpassning inte... ska bli ditt liv vet jag vad; skribent! och fotograf förstås! :) du är bäst!! familjen Lacey kan tacka sin lyckliga stjärna att en så fin person som du ska ta hand om deras döttrar! stora kramar från en superimpressed Marie! :)
Du är underbar Sara, jag hittar inga mer ord!
Lova mig nu min kära kusin att du njuter av denna resa.
Du kommer bli så många erfarenheter rikare och är det något är jag bara ett samtal bort. Finns här alltid för dig. Även om jag är lite avundsjuk på dig att du ska ut och se världen är jag oerhört stolt över att du gör det du gör.
Du är helt enkelt simply the best!!
Vi får höras på skype i framtiden.
kramar lillkusinen
Lova att säga till familjen att du hejar på Green Bay Packers. Snälla? :P
Kommer kanske å tittar på Brett Favre - Giants i Januari! =) Hoppas du får det bra där borta!
Vidar: Svär du? Jag är en viking nu!